Travelling helped us discover the rich mediteranean foodculture. Special moments and intense conversations while enjoying authentic specialities to share. 

For Tapas Club sharing is important:

- we share our passion for good food and quality
- we share our belief in authenticity (authentic products, pure ingredients, fair entrepreneurship, practice what you preach, FSC carton)
- we share production facilities (source tapas where they are already prepared at their best)
- we share our colleagues (digital network multinational & parttime professionals)

- we share our respect for eachother (colleagues, customer, supplier and all others involved)
- we share our workplace (shared office & work at home or anywhere)
- we share our warehousing (shared warehouse with other companies)
- we share our transport (groupage vervoer, Greenwheels car, public transport)
- we share our servers (in the cloud)
- we share our quest for constant top quality (work with professionals, high quality standards, tracking & tracing guaranteed)

In order to reduce the impact on the environment and to create a good living and working environment. 
We believe in sharing in order inspire our colleagues, customers, suppliers and all others involved in an innovative way.


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